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Kerala District FactbookTM : Idukki District Share
Kerala District Factbook : Idukki District
Idukki District, in the Central Kerala region is a district of Kerala with its administrative headquarters located at Painavu city. According to 2011 census, the district encompasses a geographical area of 4356 sq km and has a population of 11,08,974 (persons) including 5,52,808 (males) and 5,56,166 (females). The district has a sex ratio of 1006 (females for every 1000 males. The major religions in the district are Hindu (48.86%) and Christian (43.42%) of the total population respectively. The literacy rate in the district is 91.99% (persons), 94.56% (males) and 89.45% (females). Main spoken languages are Malayalam (81.97%), Tamil (17.48%), Kannada (0.16%). Labour Force Participation Rate is 69.32% for the year 2023-2024. Main source of income in the district is from the agriculture sector and per capita income is Rs. 2,19,196 for the year 2022-2023. The crime rate in the district is 1097.5 for the year 2022. Total cropped area is 2,47,225 (2022-2023) in hectares and the forest area is 3210.92 in sq km (2023).
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Description : Selected district level socio-economic data of Idukki District, Kerala

Editor : Dr. R. K. Thukral

Edition : January 2025; HB ; 200 + Pages

ISBN : 978-93-5855-964-4

Price : Rs. 750010% OFF
Discounted Price : Rs. 6750

Shipping Charges : (Free courier/registered post charges within India)

Expected DeliveryTime Though every efforts will be made to deliver the ordered book within the mentioned time. However, due to some unforeseen reasons, an inadvertent delay may occur, which will be informed accordingly. : Within 3-5 working days or earlier

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