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Assam Constituency FactbookTM : Autonomous District Parliamentary Constituency Share
Assam Constituency Factbook : Autonomous District Parliamentary Constituency
Autonomous District (ST) Parliamentary Constituency - Lok Sabha (3) is located in Dima Hasao & Karbi Anglong districts of Assam. As per the estimates of 2011 census, out of a total 1170415 population, 85.01% is rural and 14.99% is urban population. The Scheduled castes (SC) and Scheduled tribes (ST) ratio are 4.21 and 59, respectively, out of the total population. As per the voter list of 2022, there are 861167 electorates and 1178 polling stations in this constituency. Voter turnout in the 2019 Parliamentary election was 77.63%, whereas it was 77.43% in 2014 Parliamentary Election. The BJP and the INC got 61.73% and 22.94% votes, respectively, in 2019 parliamentary election, while The BJP and the INC got 34.8% and 39.23% in 2014 parliamentary election, respectively. Horen Sing Bey (BJP) is the present Lok Sabha MP of Autonomous District (ST) Parliamentary Constituency - Lok Sabha. To know more about the key electoral data of Autonomous District (ST) Parliamentary Constituency - (Autonomous District (ST) Lok Sabha) from 1952-2019, check the content and sample view. Click here to view complete list of available 526 Constituency FactbookTM
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Assam Constituency FactbookTM : Autonomous District Parliamentary Constituency

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Description : Parliamentary-level Electoral analysis of Autonomous District Parliamentary, Assam

Editor : Dr. R. K. Thukral

Edition : January 2025 ; HB ; 200 + Pages

Price : Rs. 12500.00

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Expected Delivery Time Though every efforts will be made to deliver the ordered book within the mentioned time. However, due to some unforeseen reasons, an inadvertent delay may occur, which will be informed accordingly.: Within 5-7 working days or earlier

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